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Submersible Water Pump

Excellent tool for contractors, industrial operations, and consumers needing portable dewatering capabilities with electric drive motors. Submersible pumps are different from other pump styles in that they're designed for the pump body to be closely coupled with an hermetically sealed motor. The entire assembly is capable of being submerged beneath the water's surface, allowing your water source to be properly pumped from within not incorporating a suction hose.

Our Qualified Pumps

TSURUMI   |    PEDROLLO   |    ONGA   |    APP   |    GRUNDFOS   |    CNP   |    EBARA   |    HCP   |    SIHI   |    DAVEY   |    SAER   |    WALRUS   |    MILANO   |    PARAGON   |    HITACHI   |    POMPA BOOSTER   |    PANEL POMPA   |    ELECTRA   |    SIGMA   |    TORISHIMA   |    ICAR Ecofill   |    EUROSTOP   |    PENTAIR   |    BIRAL   |    KOSHIN   |    MITSUBISHI   |    FIRMAN   |    CROWN   |    Global Water Solution   |   

Pompa Celup Air Kotor Tsurumi HSZ 2.4
Pompa Air Celup Merk Tsurumi HSZ2.4S - 52 Power 400 watt, Kapasitas 200L/menit, Head 12 m Pipa Outlet 2 Inch. Cocok untuk penggunaan Pengisian dan pengurasan air kotor berlumpur ~ Hemat listrik dan usia pakai panjang. ~ Pengolahan limbah ~ Perumahan dan Perkantoran, ~ Apartemen dan Rumah Sakit ~ Kolam, tambak, pemancingan dll ~ Peternakan ikan hias dan konsumsi ~ Kolam renang ~ Jeram buatan ~ Dinas, instansi dan pusat riset perikanan.